Neck Pain Rehabilitation
Neck Pain is one of the most common injuries seen by physicians and can lead to missing work or recreational activities. While many neck pain episodes resolve over time, some do not. Physical Therapy has been proven to be an effective and efficient, non-invasive means of resolving neck pain. Bon Secours Physical Therapy’s licensed physical therapists will evaluate your condition and establish a plan to reduce your neck pain, getting you back to work or play as fast as possible.
Some of the most common symptoms or diagnosis of neck pain are:
- Acute or chronic neck pain
- Degenerative disc disease
- Headaches
- Herniated disc (Ruptured disc)
- Numbness/tingling in the hands
- Spinal stenosis
- Poor Posture
- Pre and Post-surgical pain
- Radiculopathy
Our staff are trained and certified in several unique therapy approaches. Each rehabilitation plan is tailored to the patient’s specific diagnosis, needs, and goals. Treatments to assist in strengthening the neck along with decreasing pain and muscle restriction may include:
- Stabilization exercises
- Correction of body mechanics
- Development of a home exercise program
- Dry Needling
- Industrial Rehabilitation
- Joint mobilization/manipulation
- McKenzie Method
- Manual Therapy
- Postural Restoration (PRI)
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Stretching/flexibility exercises
- Traction
For more information, please contact one of our Bon Secours’ Physical Therapy Clinics.