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Health and Wellness

Lack of Sleep May Spur Overeating

March 3, 2012

When you woke up this morning, did you want to get out bed? Or did you have to remind yourself that sleeping in today was not an option? Too many of us are not getting enough sleep. Indeed, about 28 percent of adults report sleeping six hours or less at night, according to researchers from […]READ MORE

Changing Behavior to Lose Weight

March 3, 2012

When you sit back and really consider what it’s going to take to lose weight, you’ll realize it’s about changing your behavior. I like to frame it that way because it bypasses all the excuses and reasons people give for why they do not exercise regularly or eat healthy foods. A friend of mine recently […]READ MORE

Sports Injuries Affect Children, Too

March 3, 2012

As many parents know, athletic injuries are not reserved for professional athletes who play in front of millions of television viewers. Proper training and seeking treatment when needed begins when a child puts on their first sports uniform. Many children are playing baseball and softball this spring. Although baseball and softball have lower rates of injury compared […]READ MORE

Video Messages Spread Fitness Tips

February 2, 2012

Fans of celebrity TV host Dr. Oz appreciate his simple, direct approach to educating people about potential health problems. The physician has a wonderful way of conveying important health information in easy-to-understand terms. Now he’s sending video messages around the web. Viewers and fans can pick from a variety of health topics, which range from sleep problems […]READ MORE

Take Exercise and Nutrition Advice to Heart

February 2, 2012

If you work out regularly and eat nutritious meals, you probably figure you’re pretty healthy. That’s where the danger lies. Your jeans might fit but your heart could tell a different story. More than one-third of the population consider themselves to be in ideal cardiovascular health, according to a survey conducted by the American Heart Association. […]READ MORE

Fitness Starts in the Kitchen

February 2, 2012

As a fitness instructor, this is the time of year I dread. The mid-part of February when so many people give up going to the gym. I think I know what happens. Or really, what doesn’t happen: instant weight-loss. If you joined the gym this New Year and have been working out consistently, I have […]READ MORE

Restaurant Calories: Do the Math Yourself

February 2, 2012

Many restaurant patrons whip out their calculators to figure out how much tip to leave their waiter. Now, it appears calculators are needed before ordering if diners really want to how many calories they’re about to eat. Menus might list how many calories an entree contains but they don’t always break it down to individual […]READ MORE

A Powerful Treatment for a Running Injury

February 2, 2012

Often the aim of treatment of a running injury is to decrease the symptoms with medication and palliative therapeutic intervention. A brief internet search for treatment of running injuries will reveal a plethora of options. These include heat/cold modalities, electrotherapeutic modalities, ultrasound modalities, stretching and strengthening exercises, exercise equipment, massage, yoga, palliates, food supplements, magnets, […]READ MORE

Faulty Causation Reasoning – Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

February 2, 2012

The Declaration of Independence states “We hold these truths to be self evident”. Most will agree it is self evident that finding solutions to problems starts with identifying the cause. As a clinician I believe identifying the cause of a repetitive use injury is a potent way to address the problem. I spend a great […]READ MORE

Herbal Remedies for Osteoarthritis Lack Evidence

February 2, 2012

Although many people try herbal products to relieve their osteoarthritis pain, there is scant evidence that they work, according to a recent review of natural remedies. Osteoarthritis commonly affects the knees, hips and hands. Damage to cartilage around the joints can cause horrible pain. Unfortunately, few studies on the use of herbal remedies for osteoarthritis […]READ MORE