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Say “No Thanks” to Social Pressures

February 2, 2012

If you describe yourself as a people-pleaser, beware this Super Bowl Sunday. You could have a hard time saying no to that plate of sausages and bowl of chili. Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have found that people who don’t like upsetting others will often eat food just to make someone else happy. Even […]READ MORE

Need a Workout Buddy? Ask Fido

January 1, 2012

Nothing makes exercise more fun than a workout partner. Some of the best ones wag their tails. Walking the dog is one of the simplest ways to fit a little more exercise into your day. If your dog can handle it, a brisk 30-minute walk, five times a day, can help you meet the national guideline […]READ MORE

Running Outdoors? Leave Your iPod Home

January 1, 2012

So long, Black Eyed Peas. Goodbye Pitbull. I have to leave you and my iPod home when I go on my next run around the neighborhood. You’re just not good for me. I’ve always known subconsciously that running around the streets in my subdivision with the music turned up as loud as comfortably possible, is not the […]READ MORE

Resolve to Make Exercise Easy

January 1, 2012

I didn’t make any fitness resolutions this year. I think it’s because I’ve managed to make healthy eating and exercising an easy part of my life. If you find yourself already having trouble making time to work out, take a good look at your goal. Is it realistic? When you work full time, you have […]READ MORE

So Long, Holiday Calories

December 12, 2011

Please don’t get the wrong idea. I truly do love the holidays. But when Christmas is over – and that would be about now – I am sick of looking at a certain platter of cookies that’s been sitting on my kitchen counter for way too long. It’s covered in homemade goodness that’s loaded with […]READ MORE

Are You Ready for a New You?

December 12, 2011

Here comes the New Year! With every second that ticks by, 2012 is getting a little closer. Are you ready? Are you making any resolutions about losing weight? Thousands of people just like you are doing the same thing. As a fitness instructor, I love the month of January. At the gym where I teach, […]READ MORE

All I Want for Christmas…is Running Shoes

December 12, 2011

How would you react if your boyfriend or girlfriend gave you a pair of running shoes for Christmas? Would you be insulted? Would you take it as a tacky hint that you need to lose a few pounds? Or would you jump up and down with excitement? Maybe you’d even grab those running shoes, slip […]READ MORE

Finding Portion Control in the Cookie Jar

December 12, 2011

My entire house smells like Christmas cookies. Downstairs, my husband is cutting out bells, angels and Christmas trees for our two children to decorate. I’m upstairs contemplating how yummy those cookies are going to taste. You see, it’s hard for me to eat just one. Perhaps you understand. So I’m hiding with my laptop, trying […]READ MORE

The Biggest Loser: Inspiring Real Weight Loss

December 12, 2011

You don’t have to tune into The Biggest Loser television show every week to enjoy the season finale. Last night was like flipping the pages of a magazine loaded with “Before” and “After” pictures of people who barely look like themselves anymore. The only difference is that the slimmer silhouettes on TV are not doctored […]READ MORE

Beware Fad Diets

December 12, 2011

I understand why people want to believe losing weight is as simple as taking a pill or going on the latest diet featured in a beauty magazine. It’s hard to be overweight. It can lower your confidence and lead to serious health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. It’s no wonder that […]READ MORE