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Health and Wellness

Weight Loss Study: Use a Big Fork

July 7, 2011

Here’s a diet tip that’s likely to stick: Use a bigger fork when you eat. You just might eat less. That’s what researchers determined when they gave two sizes of forks to people eating at a popular Italian restaurant somewhere in the Southwest. Those who ate with the bigger forks left a lot more food […]READ MORE

Eating Healthy for Your Heart

July 7, 2011

Most people think about committing to healthy foods when they want to lose weight so they can fit into a certain size of jeans. But there’s a more important reason to say “no thanks” to junk food loaded with salt. A new study shows that Americans who eat a lot of sodium and little potassium […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #8 Fruit

July 7, 2011

Five or more servings of fruit will give you many vitamins and minerals needed for health. Include all the colors of fruits in your diet as each color represents a different antioxidant and vitamin composition. Try making parfaits using yogurt and fruit topped with a sprinkle of nuts. Fruits can also be added to smoothies […]READ MORE

Does Your Workout Include Dessert?

July 7, 2011

Perhaps you’ve seen this workout T-shirt. It reads: “So I can eat chocolate cake.” I chuckled the first time I spied it on a woman doing bicep curls in the front row of a weight-lifting class. It turns out a lot of us hit the gym because we need to burn off that chocolate cake […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #7 Nuts

July 7, 2011

Walnuts, almonds, pistachios are some great nuts that you should try to make sure to get at least one serving of every day. Looking for ways to incorporate these into your diet? Try sprinkling some on your salad for added flavor or mixing them into yogurt as an extra treat. + Scheduling your appointment for […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #6 Vitamin B12

June 6, 2011

Many people over 50 years of age do not get enough vitamin B12. If you have been struggling with a B12 deficiency try to include good sources: fortified cereals like raisin bran, lean meat, and fish and seafood like oysters or clams. Low fat cottage cheese with fruit as a snack is another good addition […]READ MORE

Shed Pounds and Risk for Diabetes

June 6, 2011

Nearly 80 million people have prediabetes. And most of them don’t even know it. Nine out of 10 people with the condition that leads to diabetes are unaware that their blood sugar levels are too high. Additionally, recent research has shown prediabetes can cause long-term damage to the heart and circulatory system, according to the American […]READ MORE

Healthy Eating and Exercise Work

June 6, 2011

Potato Chips. French Fries. Sugary Drinks. Red Meat. And let’s not forget refined grains such as white flour. These are the types of food that are causing major weight gain for people across the country. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reaffirms what so many Registered Dietitians and medical professionals have been […]READ MORE

Bodywork and Manual Therapy: An Overview

June 6, 2011

Bodywork and manual therapy are general terms that refer to body manipulation therapies used for relaxation and pain relief. Massage and chiropractic are two well-known forms of manual therapy. The idea behind bodywork is that people learn (or are forced by injury or stress into) unnatural ways of moving or holding their bodies. This unnatural […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: Potassium

June 6, 2011

Increasing your intake of potassium along with reducing your sodium intake may lower your risk of high blood pressure. Eating fruit like bananas will give you about 400 mg of potassium, which will help you reach the recommended dietary allowance of 2000-4000 mg per day. Some vegetables, like one medium stalk of broccoli has up […]READ MORE