I can do exercise on my own. Fact: Physical therapy is a hands-on skilled service that requires licensed, trained medical professionals with advanced degrees who can do more than just teach you stretches and strengthening exercises. After performing a thorough evaluation, your therapist will customize a program to your individual needs.
Physical therapy is too expensive. Fact: Most insurance plans cover physical therapy services. Our knowledgeable front office staff will verify your coverage and inform you of any out-of-pocket expenses. Although a full course of treatment is preferred, if there are financial concerns we can perform a one-time evaluation and design a home exercise program to get you on the road to recovery.
I’m too busy for physical therapy. Fact: Make yourself a priority! Addressing smaller issues now can prevent further injury down the road. We offer flexibility in our hours and locations. Discuss any concerns or barriers with your therapist, and he or she can adjust your plan accordingly.
Physical therapy is painful. Fact: While soreness after therapy can occur, the point of therapy is to relieve pain and correct dysfunction. By working closely with your therapist during treatment sessions, we can adjust your program to minimize discomfort and help you achieve your goals.
I’ve been to therapy before and it didn’t help. Fact: Finding the right therapist for your injury is important We have many specialized therapists and programs for a variety of conditions. Many of our patients have progressed well in our clinics after previous unsuccessful therapy.